The Frequency Blue-Bell

Blue-Bell as a star hybrid child shows us in her mastery that she is able to choose her own genetic makeup in FREE WILL. She shows us that our children to come and our future selves are able to choose from an expanded portfolio of inter dimensional DNA from many systems in the galaxy. It assists to realise that you are part of all of this.

Blue-Bell assists us to connect on a deeper level with gemstones, animals, water, all living beings from Gaia because she opens up our sensory awareness to them and makes us feel and realise our love frequency for them and connectivity with them in new ways. She represents how all children are communicating through feeling different textures.

Especially within what we call the autistic spectrum are many children and adults who have this same high sensitivity to feel and touch. Blue-Bell assists us to embrace these aspects within ourselves with love and a heightened understanding. This sensitivity is brought forward through our Multi D selves as a gift from the future so that we can integrate this through our light bodies. It requests a higher love frequency to enable us to be more sensory aware in the here and now.
Blue-Bell assists us to be more sensitive to crystals as recorders from the universe. The crystals contain light imprints and sound fields, which emanate through them in different sensory creational fields.
She shows us the ability to fine tune our sensory reaction so that your light body consistency can be in harmony with the different states of reality.

She then assists in matching more easily the various frequencies between the realms of our existence finding the bridge from a higher love frequency realm to the realm on earth with Gaia.

Blue-Bell can easier assist us in these ways of subtle touch and senses when we allow our Motherlove in our fields and our realisation that we are Hybrid Galactic Gaian humans. Combining these sensory fields with sound and subtle touch are also assisting in the bridging of these realms. Of course she assists us to realise this. So Blue-Bell is coming forward as a hybrid child to reveal even more connectivity to our sensory telepathic and holographic creational abilities in union with more of our Galactic Family.

Read also the blog about Blue-Bell.

You can purchase the bottle Blue-Bell here. The Hybrid Children Frequencies are also available as a set.